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Monday, November 22, 2004

Kinsey ads lifted

I have seen on some other sites murmurs of a right-wing vs. left-wing presidential style show-down to the upcoming awards season. Its safe to say that if Farenheit 911's campaign to be nominated for Best Picture succeeds that liberal Hollywood will jump for joy (while irritating many conservatives). Another film that has been touted as a possible Best Pic nominee, Kinsey, seems to be drawing some fire from conservative groups as well. The film stars previous nominees Liam Neeson and Laura Linney and tells the story of Alfred Kinsey, whose book
Sexual Behaviour of the Human Male is said to have opened the lid on much of sexual behaviour that was previously shrouded in secrecy. Of coruse, this does not sit well with the neo-conservatives who have protested against the film since it opened. And now it seems that ads have been pulled by a tv station in New York City of all places. What is going on. How can a film about the life of a sceintist cause such a fuss. I hope this does not affect the way this film is viewed or take away from its critical acclaim. We shall wait and see what happens here, but hopefully it will not affect the films chances.


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